lunes, 26 de mayo de 2008

DOLPHIN( Izar, Ainhoa A, Ibai eta Xabi Ax)

Dolphins are mammals.

They have a beak, a melon, dorsal fins, a fluke, flippers and a blowhole. They have dark blue-gray to brown-gray skin and off-white to light gray belly.
Dolphins grow to approximately 3.7m long and 635kg. They have a maximum life span of about 25 years.

Dolphins are found in tropical oceans and other warm waters around the globe. They usually live in the sunlight zone and near the coast.

Dolphins are social animals that travel in groups called pods. They communicate with strange systems.

Dolphins are carnivore and mostly eat fish and squids.

Dolphins use echolocation-bouncing sound off of objects to determine their location-to hunt.

martes, 20 de mayo de 2008


Jellyfish are not really animals,they are invertebrate that float in the sea.Jellyfish are pale, blue and transparent in color and get their name from the cube-likes shape of the bell. They can reach 3 metres in length. Each tentacle has about 5.000 stinging cells.
They are carnivore.They can be found in all oceans of the world an in some fresh water, usually in the sunligth zone.The venemous sting of these Jellyfish (carukia bainesi) can kill a person. Some Jellyfish are very poisonouns to humans but most are not dangerous to people.


The blue whales are the biggest animals that have ever lived on Earth and are mammals.
They have a flat head. Instead of teeth they have baleen. These animals are grey or blue. They are usually about 29 metres long.
They eat tiny crustaceans (krill, copes, pods, etc.), plankton and small fish.
These mammals live worldwide, near the surface of the ocean.
When they breath, their blow is a stream that rises 12-15 metres. They live in small groups called pods. They have strange languages. Those languages change between different pods. The blue whales are in danger of extinction.

Xabi Antxia, Jon Lezeta, Aiert Gunter, Miren Perez eta Ainhoa Barberan


The clownfish is a small fish. It is an orange animal with white stripes and they have black eyes. They have a dorsal fin edged in black. These fish also have an orange caudal fin edged in black.

They feed mostly on copepods and mysids and undigested excrement from their host anemones.

Clownfish live in the warm waters of the Indian and Pacific Ocean, on the sea floor amid anemone tentacles.

There are a lot of species of clownfish.


We are going descripe the Hatchetfish. This animal is a fish.
They live in South and Central Amerika in twilight zone.
Hatchetfish are small and they have oddly-shapen fish. They have a very bowed ventral surface giving this fish a distinative shape. Many Hatchetfish have adipose find located between the dorsal fin and the caude fin.
The Hatchetfish are top-feeders who eat insects and their larvae.
Many Hatchetfish are raised in home aquariums.They are 3 tipys of Hatchetfish: the Silver Hatchetfish, the marbled Hatchetfish and the Winged Disc. Female Hatchetfish are larger than males.

LANTERNFISH AND GULPER EEL (Eneko, Asier, Ane and Kizkitza)


We are going to speak about the gulper ell.

It is a fish because it doesn’t go out at the surface.

The gulper eel is not much more than a set of huge and weak jaws with a long stomach. His body is not very muscular.

It eats other fishes, shrimp and plankton.

It lives in all oceans of the world.

It swims with a large open mouth.


Lanternfishes don’t go out at the surface, so they are fish.

They have huge eyes and series of light-producing organs along their underside.

The longest lanternfish is 30cm long.

These animals feed on copepods, amphipods and plankton.

They usually live in deep sea.

The different species of lanternfish have different patterns of light-producing and different colors.



Angler fish are carnivores.

Generally, they have dark gray to dark brown colour. This animals have huge head an enormous crescent-shaped mouth and the body so piable.

They are 20 cm tall and 1 m long. The male is smaller than the female.

Angler fish live in the Murky depths of the Atlantic and Antarctic oceans and also live in the midnight zone.

There are 200 species of angler fish.


The Gigantura is a small and bizarre type of fish.
It’s got tubuler eyes. The gigantura’s head is large and it has an extensive mouth.It’s pectoral fins are large and trasparent.
It lives in the midlight zone, between 500and 3000metres, but only in the salinity water.
There are two types of gigantura, Indica and Chuni.

jueves, 8 de mayo de 2008



Come and see what the ocean and its creatures look like!!